Good Practices on the Control of Noise from Electrical & Mechanical Systems

Tackling Existing Problems against Noise Exceedance


Air-borne Noise Control


Noise generated from electrical & mechanical equipment may cause disturbance to nearby residents.

The noise may be mitigated by blocking the line of sign between the equipment and the receiver. Depending on the required level of noise reduction, noise barriers, partial enclosure and complete enclosure may be considered (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Air-borne Noise Control by Barriers and Enclosures


Structure-borne Noise Control


Vibration from electrical & mechanical equipment may be transmitted through building structure at points where the chiller is connected to the structure. The situation could be particularly worse when it is rigidly fixed to the structure without proper isolation. The vibration transmitted may activate the building structure to generate noise which causes noise disturbance to residents inside the building.

The vibration may be isolated from the building structure controlled by using vibration isolators (see Figure 2).

In addition, inertia blocks may also be provided between the vibration isolators and some mechanical equipment such as fans and pumps to add rigidity and stability of the system (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: Structure-borne Noise Control by Vibration Isolators