Good Practices on the Control of Noise from Electrical & Mechanical Systems

Hydraulic Lifts

Hydraulic Lifts


(A) Noise Problems


Air-borne Noise

• Noise generated from the hydraulic lifts may cause noise disturbance to nearby residents. It mainly comes from the noise from the power unit, motor, pump and valves (see Figure 39).

Figure 39: Air-borne Noise from Hydraulic Lifts


Structure-borne Noise


• Vibration from the vibration impact of the hydraulic lifts may be transmitted through building structure at points where the machine is rigidly fixed to the structure without proper isolation. The vibration transmitted may activate the building structure to generate noise which causes noise disturbance to residents nearby (see Figure 40).


Figure 40: Structure-borne Noise from Hydraulic Lifts


(B) Practical Remedies


Air-borne Noise

• Provide plant room with sound absorptive material for the power unit, motor and pump of a hydraulic lift (see Figure 41).

(Noise Reduction Up to 5 dB(A))

Figure 41: Plant Room for Power Units of Hydraulic Lifts


Structure-borne Noise


• Provide inertia block and vibration isolators for the power unit and pump of the hydraulic lift (see Figure 42).

(Noise Reduction Up to 20 dB(A))

Figure 42: Vibration Isolation for Hydraulic Lifts