Noise generated from electrical & mechanical systems is controlled by means of Noise Abatement Notices which may be served on owners or operators of the systems if the emitted noise at a given Noise Sensitive Receiver (NSR), such as a residential building or a school, does not comply with the objective technical criteria in the form of Acceptable Noise Levels (ANL) as set out in the “Technical Memorandum for the Assessment of Noise from Places other than Domestic Premises, Public Places or Construction Sites” (TM).
For a given NSR, with the assessment point at 1 m from the exterior of the building facade the ANL in dB(A) is presented in Table 7. However, under certain conditions specified in the TM, when the assessment point is at an internal location of a building, the ANL shall be 10 dB(A) less than that shown in Table 7 and is presented in Table 8. Most of the building services system noise problems are due to vibration transmitted through building structure and Figure 9 is usually applicable. For details of determination of appropriate ANL, the reader is advised to make reference to the aforementioned TM.